Writing a Descriptive Essay

It is mostly about describing a particular topic. They are used to tell more about people, objects, or places. In descriptive essays, writers can make readers understand better and feel they are part of the work. A writer should make sure that the information flows perfectly and relates well with the people reading it. Try and make readers picture and understand whatever you have described in your essay. It has to make a lot of sense by flowing naturally. Make sure that your readers can show emotions where needed, and then you will have made it. It may seem easy to write it, but it is quite challenging. There are steps you need to follow for your essay to be considered perfect. One thing that comes with writing is hard work and dedication. You have to practice for you to be a pro. You cannot wake up in the morning and become the best writer without putting in the work.

Pre-writing Phase

There are things you have to do before you start writing. Make sure that you have a topic that will work well for you. The topic you choose will tell more about the outcome of your essay. You need to make sure you take a subject that the readers will love. The readers will not give you good reviews if your theme is not fascinating. Make sure you take time to think before making any choice.


Whatever essay you write, even if it is not a descriptive one, you need to have a draft. Do not just go straight into writing. Draft all your ideas before you write. You have to make sure that whatever you write is captivating. A draft will help you correct mistakes and also ideas. Your outline needs to have the thoughts and the points below them. Do not just write your concepts without expanding on each of them.

Necessary Enhancements

After you finish your draft, it is time to correct possible mistakes. Review your work and make corrections that are senseless. The first thing you should look at is whether your essay is portraying a good picture. Do not just write it for the sake of writing. You should ask yourself if the reader will appreciate it. Your paragraphs need to be clear and straight to the point. Your word choice has to be top-notch. Write direct and meaningful words. Your essay needs to have a connection from the beginning to the end. Do not lose track in the middle or at the beginning.


  1. The first day you went to a hill station
  2. Something you will never forget that happened to you when you were little
  3. What happened when you met a beggar
  4. The people you look up to
  5. The person who inspires you the most
  6. How you met the most special person in your life
  7. What goals do you have to achieve the best in your education
  8. The beautiful person you know
  9. The best vacation you ever had
  10. The book that has to help you change your life for the better
  11. Something funny you encountered
  12. How you spent your day with a stranger
  13. Someone smart you have met
  14. The impossible moment you experienced in your life
  15. An event that changed your life
  16. Someone you fancy


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